
Start of the Season

This past Saturday kicked off CA's fishing year for rivers, creeks, lakes, & any other bodies of water that may hold fish. Friday night was Fishmas Eve at Blue Coyote. A special thanks to Stefan, Dave, and anyone whom may of helped, thank you! It was a great event that helped raise money for our local Trout Unlimited Chapter #103. On that note, the Truckee is flowing a bit heavy in town @ 500 cubes and in the canyon @ 750-950 with snow run-off. I've been using the switch rod lately with a heavy tip. Getting that streamer down towards the river bottom is important. Finishing the drift will pay off, if you strip it along the sides of the river. The LT is fishing well. Flows are a big high, but you can still find some hungry trout. Lately I've been using Birds Nest patterns, zebra midges, Copper Johns, SJ's, BWO emergers, black stones, and soft hackle caddis patterns under lead. If you plan on nymphing, use quite a bit of lead and raise the indicator to proper height depending on the riffle, eddie, etc. Here are several that didn't get away…

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